Helepolis uses advanced techniques to watch and monitor specific areas for suspicious activity and take appropriate action immediately.
One of the keys to successful protection against unknown threats is the ability for Helepolis to monitor specific areas PC which are the most likely to see threats. This makes the job of protecting your PC much more efficient and effective, providing you with the lowest profile and highest protection possible against these threats. Companies and homes are threatened most by threats that are unknown to them, as it is difficult to prepare for the unknown, however, Helepolis allows this process to become easier, shutting any potentially malicious software in its tracks before antivirus software can detect it. Working with antivirus software will allow for this process to be the most effective form of virus protection, as your PC will be completely protected from the threats even the largest names in antivirus software can't detect. This gives these companies time to think about solutions and apply them to your PC under the protection provided by Helepolis. We will shut down any malicious software that attempts to attack your PC and allow antivirus software to mitigate the problems the software may present to your PC later in the process.
You can configure Helepolis to update manually or receive the latest threat commands from our website.
Helepolis is capable of providing you with updates directly from our website, making it a quick process for you to receive the newest threat commands to keep your PC safe from unknown attacks. One of the most important things you can do to protect your PC is to stay updated on the newest technology and software for keeping your data safe, and this can all be done automatically, or manually if that is more suitable for you. You can contact the Helepolis team to figure out the right configuration for you to ensure the best protection possible against these threats.